Information and Updates
The recommendations from both federal and provincial governments on protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic have undoubtedly created a large impact on the services that many of our members provide as practitioners and/or employees (e.g., self-isolation and only engage in truly essential out-of-home activity, school class closure, group events, etc.). The AltaABA Board recognizes that every member is in a unique situation both professionally and personally, but that the health and safety of you and the people you may serve is the number one priority.
At this time, the Board would like to direct our membership to resources and guidelines that have been produced by some leading organizations in both behaviour analysis and the wider medical community. Please review the links below in the respective categories you have questions or concerns with.
Behaviour Analytic Service Delivery
BACB Ethical Code Related to COVID-19
Council for Autism Service Providers
– Practice Parameters for Telehealth ABA
Behavioral Heath Center for Excellence
Daily Health and Personal Recommendations
Government of Alberta
Government of Canada
Mental Health & Psychological Services
Psychological Association of Alberta
We also encourage you to openly discuss any questions and concerns you have about your practice or education with your individual communities and colleagues to establish common guidelines. You must ensure you are staying within the policies and recommendations of your respective employer, educational institution, and public health protocols. Please know that we are all in this together. Stay safe, stay connected, and stay healthy.
Warm Regards,
AltaABA Board of Directors